Blessed with Beautiful Friends!!!!

Blessed with Beautiful Friends!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

a new start!

right now i am living in a house with 3 girls. this is just not something i am a fan of!
yesterday my best friend tara and i went and found an apartment together! now im just stuck counting down the days till we can move in.... :) 2 more months to go!!! YAY!!! this place is just what we were looking for!! vaulted ceilings, two bed two bath, very nice island kitchen, patio, and just overall an awesome place for our price range! the two of us never get into arguments and we can help each other through anything and everything. it will be the best and a blast every day!!!!

Itchy Feet

first of all i hate hate HATE feet. so when i think of them being itchy! just grosses me out.
i'm very excited for summer but the worst part about it is--when my feet get burnt they itch all the time and i just dont want to touch them!!!! haha i do love the flip-flop tan lines tho! :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

200 things about me!!

100 LIKE'S! (in no certain order)
3-Lil Wayne
4-Justin Bieber
5-Rascal Flatts
10-Having a 'few' drinks
11-My mom, gma, and sis = favorite people
12-my <3 blanket
13-Playing Volleyball
14-the number 14
15-Watching Hockey
17-dreaming of/planning my future
18-Texas Roadhouse
24-Miss Ellie (my pup)
25-being from a Small Town :)
26-my Boyfriend
27-my past (it made ME)
29-taking/looking at pictures
30-people watching
31-tanning; outside or fake-baking
32-going on trips
33-my cell phone
35-driving with the windows down
37-Chocolate (especiall Dove)
38-Root Beer
39-Judy's Tavern
41-being 'weird'
42-doodling in my notebooks
43-helping people
47-smores..mmmmm :)
48-beer pong
49-tippy cup
50-beer darts
53-listening to the rain
54-jumping in puddles
55-big trucks (Chevy:)
56-The Ellen Show
57-flip flops
58-Disney Channel
59-wearing sweatpants
60-new socks
61-clean sheets
62-Teen MOm
63-making snow angels
64-snowball fights
65-One Tree Hill
66-Sun burns
67-going to the chiropractor
68-fresh fruit
69-youtube videos
70-going to my cabin
71-being a Christian
72-finding money in my pockets
74-meeting new people
75-money--making and spending it
76-smell of fresh cut grass
79-getting letters in the mail
80-organizing everything
82-fourwheeling (mudding)
83-homemade meals
85-giving/receiving presents
86-being faced with challenges
87-being healthy
88-proving people wrong
89-my independence
90-receiving advice from others
91-getting dressed up
93-my ipod
94-my dell laptop
95-hot tubs
96-new shoes
98-the color red
99-going on walks
100-taking long hot showers

100 DISLIKE'S (in no certain order)
2-when people smack their food
3-slow drivers
4-slow walkers
6-bad tippers
7-western movies
12-bad breath
13-body odor
14-doing laundry
15-matching my socks
17-my father
20-pet hair on my clothes
23-annoying children
24-the number 24
25-my ex of 3 years
26-being hot when i sleep
28-running out of toilet paper
29-being alone
30-when the power goes out
31-being without a cell phone
32-drunk drivers
34-not being 21 when all my friends are
35-dark streets
36-raw meat
37-wheelie backpacks
38-when i swear
39-that i smoke sometimes
40-my handwriting
41-monthly girl time
42-annoying drunks
43-when people watch me write
44-talking in class
45-my nose
46-when people dont use blinkers
47-cold sores
49-bloddy noses
50-my car
52-paying bills
53-people who are ungreatful
54-people who wear clothes that are too small for them
56-getting tickets-oops :)
57-car accidents
58-weather alerts across the tv
59-nosy neighbors
60-when people stomp their feet
62-mosquito bites
63-wearing my glasses
65-watching golf
66-bee bites
67-sitting in an already warm chair
68-junk mail
69-being late
70-dirty dishes
71-locking my keys in my car
72-losing the remote
74-wet socks
75-gas prices
76-taking tests
78-snow storms
80-scratched cd's/dvd's
82-being looked down on
83-inconsiderate roommates
85-when people stare
87-lazy people
88-missing classes
90-bad teeth
91-when people dont make eye contact while having a conversation
92-un-matching cothes
94-fineas & ferb
95-more than one scented candle burning at a time
96-loud people in a quiet setting
97-bad parenting
98-impatient people
100-when a couple sits next to each other in a booth instead of one on each side

Thursday, February 17, 2011


this week has been hard on me and the rest of my little family!
my great grandmother passed away on valentines day, and just a few months ago my great grandfather passed! i guess they couldnt go without one another on the day of 'love'! they are soal mates and have been for the past 70 years!! neither of them wanted to have funerals so i am having a very hard time believing it is true, hard to think they are really gone if i cant see it right in front of me. todays peer review was tough for me (even if it didnt seam like it)
today i treated myself to a trip home after class, since i dont have any classes on fridays! i am spending the whole time with family; tonight with my mom and tomorrow with my grandparents before i have to head back to forks for work on saturday!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Memory Lane

i dont think i have had my best of favorite memory just yet in for my life because i am only 20 and havent really experienced a lot. if i was to choose one i would pick multiple little things that happened in high school that i just took advantage of. like hanging out with friends, going to hockey games, volleyball/basketball trips, just making those memories with life long friends that i dont get to see or even talk to much now that we are all meeting new people and living different lifestyles. if i could go back in time i would do it over again just to enjoy it more than i did. but for a new memory i am really looking forward to making a road trip with 3 other friends to illinois for a rascal flatts concert the first weekend in march!! ooooh im so excited!! :)

favorite quote

 you must always push the limits, because if you never fail, you will never succeed

there are many quotes i have heard or seen through the years but this is one that sticks with me!! i think eveyone could be inspired by this quote. it is so true! if you dont try new things or fail at times, you will never know what you can handle to succeed. this quote is in my car, room, on the fridge, and writtin in my planner to remind me everyday to try something new, and if i fail at it -- i will still be okay! i have to push the limits to succeed :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

wonderful people

this year is off to a great start! i couldnt ask for better family, friends, roommates, coworkers, or boyfriend!! i could brag them up all day long!! so i figured they all deserve to be talked about on my blog!! :)
family has been there for me all along--but im at a time in my life where i need to make major decision, they are doing a wonderful job of helping me out and making sure i do the best i can.
roommates have to deal with eachother every day. im sure im not always the easiest one to deal with but they are doing an awesome job. haha it takes a lot to live in a house of 4 girls!
coworkers are the best and some of the most wonderful friends in my life right now. im always excited to go to work just to see everyone and there are always plans made to hangout afterwords!! fun times for sure..
my boyfriend is awesome!! always there for me at the end of the day --good or bad-- we are the complete opposite which i think makes us perfect for eachother! he makes me realize so much, im the kind of girl who does things without thinking and he is the one who makes sure to consider all consequences of a situation!! he has my back for sure!! :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


to be honest--- poems arent as bad as i thought they would be. in class today everyone, including myself was worried that their writing would be terrible. when in reality they all have great potential. maybe one day i will get the courage to post one!! :)

Friday, January 21, 2011


1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post these rules on your blog
3. Tell about your six quirks, see below.
4. Tag three bloggers to do the same
5. Leave them a comment to let them know you’ve tagged them

*not sure if I will do this correctly

My Quirks!
1--I am a very organized person always knowing what has to be done and when by making lists, but when it comes to getting that list done i am a terrible procrastinator!
2--I love to work too much for my age. My first job was at 14. I am now 20 going to school full time with a full time job at the Texas Roadhouse and a part time job at the Holiday Gas Station.
3--Conflict scares me, I will do anything to avoid it or stop other people from causing it. At times this is terriblem, I dont know how to stick up for myself.
4--I'm a total mommy's girl. I have to talk to her atleast 3 times a week and ask her so many questions to make sure I'm doing everything correct.
5--My biggest frear is trusting and committing to people. ((thanks to my past))
6--When with family and good friends I always love to sing and be sarcastic just to make them laugh.

--The shit I say
--My Time
--This Is Me Talking

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why I Write!

There are multiple reasons I write.
to let feelings out, make lists or reminders, when at work and keeping track of peoples names on a waiting list, lecture notes in class, assignments for school, and many other random reasons. The one I enjoying most is writing to let feelings out. I dont have an actual journal, there are multiple notebooks around my room or in my backpack that someone could find writings that I have done. They are never really long and detailed. When writing I'm more of a keep it short and sweet kind of person!